Upcoming Events in New Town!

Upcoming Events for the week: Saturday, July 20 at the Amphitheater at dusk – Join the New Town Trust and SOMA Church in the Amphitheater for a movie night featuring the Lion King! Sunday, July 21 from 1:00pm-3:00pm at the Amphitheater the Lifepoint Church of O’Fallon, Soma Church, and St. Charles City & Orchard Farm […]

New Town Reminders

Hello, summer squad! As we soak up the sun and enjoy the season, let’s keep a few summer vibes in mind! Parking in Alleyways: Alleyways are for passage, not parking! Finding a spot can be a headache, but let’s not turn our alleyways into parking lots! Exterior Storage: Don’t let clutter creep up! Keep the […]