Trash Can Painting

Please be advised the the maintenance staff is currently in the process of repainting the trash cans throughout New Town. If you notice that a trash can is missing, this is why. We kindly ask that you refrain from placing doggie bags on the ground and that you use the next available trash can. Please […]

Final Christmas Decoration Reminder

Friendly Reminder that Christmas Decorations must be removed no later than 1/28/2024. Violations will be given to any homes with decorations still in place. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation! Time to bid adieu to the festive sparkle! Decorations have had their moment in the holiday spotlight, and it is now time to […]

2024 New Town Assessment

New Town 2024 Assessments have been mailed. Although due on January 1, your assessment is not considered late if it is paid in full by March 1, 2024. If you have any questions, please feel free to stop by the General Assembly office, or call us at 636-916-2085 Monday through Friday from 9am-5:30pm.

Frozen Pipe Prevention Reminder

As winter weather approaches, we want to ensure the well-being of your property during the upcoming freezing temperatures. The forecast predicts temperatures dipping below freezing over the weekend, which may pose a risk to your plumbing system. Taking proactive measures can help prevent frozen pipes and potential water damage. Here are some essential tips to […]

Frozen Lakes Advisory

Please be aware that what appears to be a frozen lake could quickly become hazardous because of thin and/or unstable ice. Currently, the General Assembly strongly discourages any winter activities on the lakes. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding. It is extremely important that residents and guests refrain from placing any items […]